Daily Bulletin

Daily Bulletin

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Happy Birthday over break: TJ Ingram, Savannah Alagna, Clay Daily, Taylor Thorman, 

                                            Raena Stierwalt, Geffrey Richardson, Colton Krewson, 

                                            Martina Miebach, Aubrey Whalen, Lauren Cooke, 

                                            Haleigh Clemmons, Dawson Temples, Avery White, Evan White,

                                            Ian White, Alexis Benskin, Jayci McGraw, Giovanni Maggio,                                                  

                                            Karen Martin, John Dailey, Grace Frye, Chance Ingleman, 

                                            Cain Sappenfield, Ms. Cler,


For the girls’ Basketball, boys’ basketball and wrestling schedules over break, please look at our website unityrockets.com for their schedules.


Activity Period:

Today is the last day to make Second semester schedule changes with your school counselor!  There will be no schedule changes made after today.

Attention seniors: There are two pages left to sell on the wait list for Senior Ads...please let Mrs. Graves know ASAP if you are interested.


NHS members please make sure you turn in your volunteer hours to Mrs. Decker before the end of the semester.

If you are a junior or senior and you have 1st or 7th hour study hall and want to opt out, please pick up a form in the Guidance office.  You can get them filled out, signed, and turned in this semester.  If you do this, you don't have to stay in study hall the first couple days of the new semester.  If you opted out this semester, you still need to fill out a new form for second semester. 


Have a wonderful Christmas break!!