Daily Bulletin
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Happy Birthday today:
Tonight’s Events:
Activity Period: Friday- FFA Chapter meeting
Students interested in taking an AP Exam should sign up in the Guidance Office by Friday, November 15th. The cost per exam is $94 and is due at sign up. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Mills.
Unity Baking Club will be selling Baking Club t-shirts! No need to be part of the club to represent! If you are interested please see Ms. Cler to check out the design and place an order. Orders are due tomorrow and cost $15.
Juniors and Seniors: Truman State University will be visiting Unity on November 11th. Sign up in the Guidance Office to meet with this representative.
The Thanksgiving Food Drive in under way! Remember to bring in non-perishable, non-expired food to your first hour class! The first hour class that brings in the most weight per student will win a breakfast for the entire class!
Don’t forget to sign up for the Cross Country fan bus!! We need 30 paid riders by noon TODAY. Mr. Stringer will be your chaperone for the day. Cost for the bus and admission will be $10. Come show your support Saturday for our Cross Country teams at the State competition.
FCCLA will meet next Tuesday, November 12th at 7:45am to discuss our upcoming service project of making blankets for NICU babies, and to discuss our holiday plans. We hope to see you there!