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Daily Bulletin

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Happy Birthday today: (none)

Today’s Events: (none)

Activity Period: Tuesday- FCCLA

Do you have a talent you want to showcase? This year's Fine Arts Festival is hosting a talent show open to all students of Unity High School. Auditions will be after school on March 9 and 10 in the auditorium and sign-ups are available outside the art room. All talents are welcome, and both solo and group acts are encouraged. 

Next week we will be celebrating Student Council Week!  We will have dress up days, items for sale during lunch hours, chain links to show which class has the most spirit, and of course our Great Auction!  Be sure to ask your teachers what your classes can donate to make this year's auction as great as it was last year!

Next week's dress up days are Pajama Day Monday, Teacher Tuesday, Rhyme with No Reason Wednesday, Student Council Week Shirt Thursday, and Dress Like Someone with Your First Initial Friday!

Next week during all lunch hours, Student Council will be selling Oreo balls on Monday, Ice Cream Sundaes on Tuesday, Snow Cones on Wednesday, and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies on Friday!  All items will be between $1 to $3.

Attention Seniors! Please see your Class of 2023 Google Classroom page for a survey on the class trip coming up in May. We need your feedback ASAP!

We have 8 items donated to the Auction so far.  In order for the Auction to last the morning and have an impact on money raised, we need lots more!!  Get with your classes and donate something!