UJHS first quarter is off to a great start! Full-day classes, athletics, exploratory classes and in-person clubs are just some of many opportunities that make things look and feel much more like a “typical” school year. Here are few updates for September.

Progress Reports:

It is hard to believe, but midterm grades will update on September 15. Now is a good time to call the office at 217-485-6735 and get your Information Now login and password if you don’t already have this information.



Students have been doing an overall good job of keeping up with Chromebooks as part of the District One-to-One Device Initiative. A friendly reminder that charged Chromebooks and earbuds are needed each day. 


NWEA MAP Assessments and Social Emotional Screener:

NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) takes place on September 13. This Universal Screener provides important information that helps us plan for and meet the needs of students. It is also information that helps to inform the overall rigor of math and ELA courses and is an indicator of students’ readiness to be successful on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR).  Please help by making sure your child is in attendance on September 13 for these assessments.


Social emotional learning (SEL) universal screening has also become part of our practice over the past four years. SEL screeners help school staff to determine which students may be “at-risk” of not adequately achieving ISBE’s identified standards.  Your child’s educational team will be completing the Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) for all students in the fall semester.  The use of SAEBRS refines and strengthens our efforts to help all of our students be successful by allowing us to take positive and preventative measures as early as possible.  Because this screener is completed by teachers, your child’s learning will not be disrupted.  Notification of Social Emotional Screener was sent home with students today, September 3. The information is also posted in Parent Documents at ujhs.com.


UJHS and District Employment Opportunities:

UJHS has an open position in the cafeteria/kitchen for a cook’s assistant. The hours are daily from 10:15 am to 12:45 pm. Please contact Laura Fitzgerald at fitzgeraldl@unity.k12.il.us or call the UJHS Office and leave a message with your phone numbers if you have questions. Applications are available at the Unit Office and at UJHS.


Not looking for a full-time commitment but wanting to pick up a few hours here and there? Unit Seven Schools is looking for qualified individuals to substitute for custodial positions, kitchen assistants, and teaching assistants. Call the Unit Office at 217-485-6510 if you are interested in substituting for any of these positions.

Rocket Families Appreciation:

A note of encouragement to our UJHS families that we recognize that life these days can get very challenging. UJHS appreciates all our families do to aid in the education of our students. We see the many ways that YOU support the work of administration, faculty and staff. Thank you!