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Daily Bulletin

Friday, September 10, 2021

Happy Birthday today: Kiersten Bash

                         Sunday: Anastasia Gallardo, Kara Young, Alex Gaines,

                                       Keaton Roether

 Today’s Events: Varsity Football @ IVC HS, 7 pm

Saturday’s Events: Girls’ Cross Country vs Peoria HS-Detweiller Park 9 am

                                 Boys’ Cross Country @ PBL HS, 9 am

                                 Soccer vs Danville Schlarman HS, UHS field 10:00 am

Activity Period: Monday- Junior Class & Sophomore Class;

                           Wednesday- Pep Club                                                                                     



Auditions for the Fall play will be today from 3:10-5 pm. We will be performing The Wizard of Oz in November.  Please see Ms. Marcel in room 69 to sign up to audition and receive your script.  Anyone is welcome to audition even if you’re not in Drama Club!


Unity Softball State apparel is now for sale.  Please see Coach Davis for team store code to get your gear ordered.


The following college will be visiting Unity soon.  Juniors and Seniors can sign up in the Guidance Office to meet with them.

September 16th: Eastern Illinois University.


Students: Parkland College is hosting a college fair on Wednesday, September 15th from 6-8 pm.  An email with more information was sent to your Unity email.  If you have any questions, please see your counselor.


Attention all students: You should have received an email from Mrs. Meyer with your class lists.  Please check your list and let Mrs. Meyer know if there are any issues with your name.



Coach Reed will host open gyms on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 6:30-7:30 am in the high school. 


Are you someone who wants to participate in a “bout” and knows (or wants to know) what the terms “cradle,” “bridge,” and “full nelson” mean?  If this is you, please stop in the gym and see Coach Patton sometime throughout the day about being a part of the Wrestling team.


Juniors will be meeting at 8:00 am in Mrs. Lindenmeyer's room on Monday to discuss float building and Homecoming shirts! 


Sophomores will be meeting on Monday at 8 am in Ms. Cler’s room to discuss float building & shirts.


Varsity Football players will be dismissed at 1:45 pm today.